
Showing posts from April, 2022

Keyanna Young Portfolio

Image  This is a short project I worked on for my final project in my game design course, a video game called 'Jump start'. It's a frog related mini game series, and even though there isn't many games, it's still in development! I did the art and most of the programming, if given more resources I guaranteed would've done more. The process behind it I never realized how hard it is to try and make a mini game about frogs. The best part was coming up with the ideas and planning and sketching, putting it together? Not so much. However it taught me a lot about having realistic Ideals. I’ve only managed to make two successful mini games from the six that I originally planned. Bitsy was definitely a learning experience, I’ve learned that games take a long amount of time, and no matter how long you take you may not even be done or completely happy with what you created. I love frogs and I wish I had more creative means to put my thoughts